Some time ago in a previous job I had to check the validity of digital signatures in PDF files. The "most reliable and easiest" way to do that was to open the file in Adobe Acrobat Reader and take a look at the signature panel: it gives details on the signature, its validity and its chain of trust. However I wanted to find a more "CLI-friendly" way than starting a Windows machine for this purpose.

Part of poppler utils, pdfsig is a command-line utility that can sign and verify digital signatures in PDF files. The main limitation here is that certificates used for these digital signatures are rarely trusted by system stores: Adobe maintains an internal trust store named AATL (Adobe Approved Trust List) so pdfsig would mostly returns a "Certificate issuer isn't trusted" error:

$ pdfsig signed_file.pdf
Digital Signature Info of: signed_file.pdf
Signature #1:
  - Signer Certificate Common Name: ***
  - Signer full Distinguished Name: ***
  - Signing Time: Feb 02 2023 11:58:26
  - Signing Hash Algorithm: SHA-256
  - Signature Type: adbe.pkcs7.detached
  - Signed Ranges: [0 - 28800], [61570 - 62051]
  - Not total document signed
  - Signature Validation: Signature is Valid.
  - Certificate Validation: Certificate issuer isn't Trusted.

However we can tell pdfsig to use a custom NSS database as its trust store. If we can find a way to retrieve certificates contained in the AATL we should be able to validate a signed PDF like the Adobe tool would do, mostly.

Unfortunately the only public resource I found about this list is a webpage listing trusted companies without providing the actual certificates1, not at all helpful for a command-line tool.

While wandering a bit disenchanted on the web I found a project on GitHub that had an interesting script. This script downloads the certificates related to the AATL. With these certificates I should be able to build a NSS database.

But before we continue with the database, let's pause for a second and look at how the script actually retrieves them. In a nutshell they are stored in a PDF file. So, in order to validate the chain of trust, the client downloads a specially crafted PDF file from Adobe's servers2 and extract an embedded XML object containing the precious list of certificates.

Excerpt from extract-adobe-aatl.py3:

def main(filename):
    reader = pdfrw.PdfReader(filename)
    verify_signature(reader, filename)

    embedded_files = reader["/Root"]["/Names"]["/EmbeddedFiles"]
    if embedded_files["/Names"][0] != ATTACHMENT_NAME:
        raise Exception("Unexpected attachment name %s" %

    file_spec = embedded_files["/Names"][1]
    embedded_file = file_spec["/EF"][pdfrw.PdfName("F")]
    if embedded_file["/Filter"] != "/FlateDecode":
        raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported compression algorithm %s" %

    xml = zlib.decompress(
    doc = lxml.etree.fromstring(xml)
    trusted_identities = doc[0]
    for identity in trusted_identities:
# [snipped]

I needed to adjust a few things to make it work, which gives the following script:

Click to expand

import binascii
import lxml.etree
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import zlib
import fitz

ATTACHMENT_NAME = ("(\xfe\xff\0S\0e\0c\0u\0r\0i\0t\0y\0S\0e\0t\0t\0i\0n\0g\0s"

SIGNATURE_FILE_NAME = "signature.der"
MESSAGE_FILE_NAME = "message.bin"

def base64_to_pem(value):
    chunks = [value[i:i + 64] for i in range(0, len(value), 64)]
    lines = [HEADER] + chunks + [FOOTER]
    return "\n".join(lines)

def main(filename):
    file =

    content = file.embfile_get('SecuritySettings.xml')
    doc = lxml.etree.fromstring(content.decode('utf-8'))
    trusted_identities = doc[0]
    for identity in trusted_identities:
        import_action = identity.xpath("ImportAction/text()")[0]
        source = identity.xpath("Identification/Source/text()")[0]
        if import_action not in ("1", "2", "3"):  # what is the difference?
            raise Exception("Unrecognized ImportAction %s" % import_action)
        if source != "AATL":
            raise Exception("Unrecognized source %s" % import_action)

        cert_pem = base64_to_pem(identity.xpath("Certificate/text()")[0])
        process = subprocess.Popen(["openssl",
        fingerprint = process.communicate(input=cert_pem.encode('utf-8'))[0]
        if process.returncode != 0:
            raise subprocess.CalledProcessError()

        fingerprint = fingerprint.decode('utf-8').replace("SHA1 Fingerprint=", "")
        fingerprint = fingerprint.replace(":", "")
        fingerprint = fingerprint.strip()

        f = open(fingerprint + ".pem", "w")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        print >> sys.stderr, ("Usage: python2 "

Install the following dependencies if you want to play with it:

pip install lxml pdfrw frontend tools PyMuPDF

Once we have all the certificates in PEM format we can use the certutil tool from NSS to build a database in a folder named pki:

mkdir pki
find -type f -name "*.pem" | while read f
do certutil -A -d pki -i $f -n $f -t TCu,Cu,Tu

Then with this custom database pdfsig should now trust the certificate issuer:

$ pdfsig -nssdir pki signed_file.pdf
Digital Signature Info of: signed_file.pdf
Signature #1:
- Signature Validation: Signature is Valid.
- Certificate Validation: Certificate is Trusted.

Further reading

I'm anything but an expert in this field, that's why I didn't really talked about what is a digital signature. But I can summarize a few things and give you some links if you want to dig more.

Digital signatures in PDF files is far from being a recent topic. While early stages were quite proprietary and specific to Adobe, things evolved significantly these past 15 years. Two important events happened:

  • The release of the ISO 32000-14 around 2009 which marked the standardization of the PDF format and introduced several features for digital signatures, including PAdES5

  • The introduction of the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014, also known as eIDAS Regulation6, between 2014 and 2016, bringing a framework for electronic identification and trust services, mainly for the EU market

Here are a few more links:
